Table of Contents
- FontAwesome_Exception
- An abstract class defining behavior for most exceptions thrown by this plugin.
- FontAwesome_ServerException
- An abstract parent class for exceptions that should result in an HTTP 500 status.
- FontAwesome_ClientException
- An abstract parent class for exceptions that should result in an HTTP 400 status.
- ApiTokenMissingException
- Thrown when an API Token is required but not found.
- ApiTokenEndpointRequestException
- Thrown when the WordPress server fails to issue a request to the token endpoint on Font Awesome API server.
- ApiTokenInvalidException
- Thrown when the token endpoint on the Font Awesome API server returns an non-200 status when trying to use the configured API Token to get an access_token to use for subsequent API query requests.
- ApiTokenEndpointResponseException
- Thrown when the Font Awesome API server returns a response with an unexpected schema.
- AccessTokenStorageException
- Thrown when there is a failure to write a file on the WordPress server filesystem to store the access_token.
- NoAccessTokenException
- Thrown when an access token is requested from this plugin's REST API, but no access token be retrieved. This probably indicates some invalid state condition or programming error in this plugin's server-side, rather than a problem with communicating with the Font Awesome API service.
- ConfigSchemaException
- Thrown when an options configuration is attempted that does not pass validation.
- ActivationException
- Thrown when the plugin is activated on a site that does not meet compatibility requirements.
- PreferenceRegistrationException
- Thrown when catching an Error or Exception from a registered theme or plugin.
- ApiRequestException
- Thrown when the WordPress server fails to issue a request to the main query endpoint on Font Awesome API server.
- ApiResponseException
- Thrown when the query endpoint on the Font Awesome API server responds with an unexpected schema. This probably indicates either a programming error in the API server, or a breaking change and this plugin code is out of date.
- ReleaseProviderStorageException
- Thrown when there's a failure to write a transient for storing the Font Awesome releases metadata.
- ReleaseMetadataMissingException
- Thrown when the plugin expects release metadata to be present but isn't for some reason.
- ConfigCorruptionException
- Thrown when attempting front-end page load logic and the options configuration is invalid. This should never happen, since only valid options configurations should ever be stored. If it is thrown it probably means that either there's a programming error in this plugin, or that the state of database has been changed between the time that options would have been valid upon saving and the time that the page load occurs and those options are found to be invalid.
- ConflictDetectionSchemaException
- Thrown when the conflict detection scanner posts data to a REST endpoint and the data has an invalid schema. This would probably indicate a programming error in this plugin.
- ConflictDetectionStorageException
- Thrown when there's a failure to store conflict detection data as a transient.
- ClientPreferencesSchemaException
- Indicates that an incorrect array schema has been provided by a registerd client.
- UpgradeException
- Indicates a problem during upgrade process.
- SelfhostSetupException
- Thrown on one of several errors conditions when setting up assets for self-hosting.